
Tippy Talk Show has a lot to offer. Check out some of our services.

Ask the Author

We bring authors from around the world to speak about their work, their favorite books, and the writing process. This gives you the opportunity to ask your question and discuss the different aspects of writing, and publishing.

Your Story

Everything that you experienced is a gift. At times it is disguised, but ultimately it is unveiled. Talking about your life and sharing your gift is one of the most rewarding things you can do. Tippy Talk gives you the opportunity to heal as you speak about the painful experiences you are ready to release.


Inspiring you to feel great about yourself and everything around you. We talk to people with inspirational messages that have succeeded in inspiring their own life to a higher level.

Tippy is an author, a talk show host, and a motivator. She specializes in overcoming difficult situations and healing through story telling. She earned her B.A. from Brooklyn College and went on to acquire her real estate license in California. She helped victims of the real estate crash in 2008 when thousands were under water. Tippy is dedicated to helping people pursue and accomplish their goals. She is currently working on principals for a higher living.

Get in Touch

If you are an author, we would love to have you on our radio show!

Tippy Felzenstein

+1 (818) 913-3757

Contact Us